How Summer Heat Can Damage Your Roof

roofingNo matter where you live, heat can do incredible damage to your roof in very little time. Materials start to degrade and over time, a great roof can become brittle, cracked and leaking if it is not properly maintained. In most cases this can take years to occur, but even just one summer where roofing is neglected can lead to enough damage to cause concern.


Unless proper precautions are taken, heat is likely to cause roof materials to change in structure. Asphalt shingles are one of the most popular roofing materials and as these shingles are repeatedly exposed to constantly high temperatures, the organic chemicals within the shingles begin to degrade. This causes the material to lose many of the qualities that make it ideal for use on the roof. It becomes hard, inflexible and brittle. It may begin to crack, which would allow moisture to pass through the roof and into the wooden structures of the home.


Learning the signs of roofing heat damage can help you catch a problem before it escalates. When looking at your shingles, examine them closely for bubbles, cracking and lost granules. When viewed from the ground during wind, if you can see the granules blowing off, your roof may have been damaged by the heat.


To prevent your roofing material from degrading due to summer weather, have your entire roof inspected. At Olivieri Roofing we can inspect your roof and ensure that it has been installed properly and that the attic is structured to allow heat to escape without building up and causing damage from within. Choosing light colored shingles can also help reduce the amount of radiation the roof absorbs which will help prolong its life.


Some may say that asphalt shingles are susceptible to heat damage and therefore not the best roofing option; however with a properly vented attic, asphalt shingle roofs are ideal for use on many homes. Any well maintained roof can outlast a homeowner’s expectations.


To determine if your roof is suffering from heat damage give us a call and set up a roof inspection! Click here to get started.