How To Choose Between Repair and Replacement for Your Metal Roof

A flat roof made of sheet metal can protect your commercial building for many years. Eventually, though, every roof needs to be repaired or replaced due to damage from normal wear and tear. How do you know which option is better for your business? There are a few factors to consider.
Extent of Damage
Over time, metal roofs take on dings and damage due to inclement weather and other harsh elements. Just because your roof is a little damaged, though, that doesn’t mean you need to take the time and expense to completely replace it. Overcladding is a process in which the existing roof is covered with a newer, stronger layer. Insulation between the layers can even provide extra energy efficiency. This is probably the best choice if your roof is still generally intact. If, however, there is a great deal of corrosion or a lot of vulnerable spots in your roof, it may be worth the time and effort to just replace it.
Convenience to Business
Any work that is being done on your flat roof is going to be a distraction to your workforce. Overcladding, however, can be done without any major disruption. Because the new roof is built right on top of the old one, the biggest issue you’re likely to run into is more noise than usual. If the old roof is actually removed during the process, though, you will probably need to shut down or relocate your business while it is being replaced. While severe damage may mean you don’t have a choice, if you can use overcladding to fix the problem, you can do so without a drastic effect on your business.
When your flat roof is damaged, qualified experts can help you decide whether it needs to be replaced or just overclad. Once the job is done, you’ll have a new roof that can last decades.