How to Determine if Roof Dormers Will Work for You

When you’re building or remodeling a home, there are lots of decisions to make about details. If you’re at the roof installation stage, you may be considering roof dormers. Are dormers right for your home? A look at the pros and cons can help you determine if dormers will work for you.


Dormers are structures in the roof that protrude out, and often include a window. Beyond the addition of a window, they are used to create more space inside. There are many different types to choose from. Some popular dormers you might consider are gable, eyebrow, hipped, barrel and shed. When you’re selecting styles, keep in mind that all of the options vary in size and price.


There are many benefits of dormers, both practical and aesthetical. One of the greatest advantages is the added space in the top level of your home. Roof dormers offer greater height, and contest the awkward feel of areas affected by slanted roofs. Another pro is the visual appeal that dormers can present. Exterior details significantly add to your house’s overall value and charm. Are dormers right for your home? A look at the pros and cons is important in helping you decide.


While there are solid benefits, you’ll want to be aware of some factors before buying. If you’re considering dormers for your existing house, you should know that you might need to obtain licensing and permits. Also, the cost of roof installation may be higher with the extra materials. Over time, there could be some added expenses of maintenance as well.


All of the smaller aspects that you choose along the way will come together to form the finished version of your house. Are dormers right for your home? A look at the pros and cons is the first step towards creating a home that meets the needs of you and your family. Contact a professional who can give you an experienced opinion about which dormer is best for you.