Ice Damming in Residential and Commercial Buildings Causing Water Damage and Air Quality Problems

Both commercial and residential property owners have to deal with ice damming. This usually happens when snow or ice blocks water flow off of the roof. Instead of going to the ground, it winds up seeping back into your home and causing damage to the inside. This is why many people look for some form of ice dam prevention. Without it, water damage and air quality problems can really hurt a homeowner.


When the walls of your home get wet, they can become covered in a fungus. The longer that the water sits against the walls, the worse it can get. This is especially true if your home is humid. Mold and mildew can be extremely toxic to people. Too much mold can lead to having to replace walls entirely.

In addition to being unsightly, mold can cause air quality issues and hence breathing problems. It’s not safe for a person to be breathing in that air. If this happens, then odds are, you’ll have to find somewhere else to stay while the mold is being removed from your home. No one wants to have to go through all of that. Ice dam prevention tends to be an easier way to deal with it.


As water gets into your home, this can also simply damage your walls, roof or even deck. Standing water can soften the structure. It can lead to problems with the structural integrity of your home. This is the same for any business. Ice dams aren’t only problems that homeowners face. Commercial businesses face them too. In this case, you could risk losing all of your merchandise due to an ice dam.


The air quality of your building is important. Unfortunately, if you have a leak in your roof, this can destroy both your property and your air quality. With ice dam prevention you can be a little more careful.