Is A Metal Roof The Right Choice For Your Home?

chimney on the roof of the house against the blue skyBefore the snow begins to fall it’s a good idea to determine if your roof is structurally sound. Depending on the roofing material that your home has, it’s lifespan can vary so it’s best to know how old your roof system is and to find out if it’s time for a replacement. When deciding between common residential roofing materials including metal, asphalt, cedar and concrete tiles, find out which material will provide you with the best return on your investment. To help you decide on a roofing material we’ve focused on the pros and cons of metal roofing so you can find out if this material is right for your roof:


Metal Roof Pros

Metal roofs, when properly installed and maintained, can far outlast every other kind of roof. They also generally require minimal maintenance. The metal paneling is built to last and is light weight so it puts only minimal pressure on the rest of the house. Additionally in regions with extreme high and low temperatures, such as up here in the Northeast, a metal roof can help lower utility bills by efficiently trapping the indoor air temperature within the house. That means less time spent running the heater or air conditioning.  Metal roof systems can also be painted any color and dark colors help to make snow that has piled on the roof melt more quickly. Metal roofs also have a very long lifespan compared to alternative materials. Metal roof systems can last more than 50 years with little maintenance and repairs needed, while an asphalt roof generally lasts 15-20 years.


Metal Roof Cons

On the other hand many believe that a metal roof system is less aesthetically pleasing than the common alternative, a classic shingle residential roof.  However, today there are hundreds of styles and colors to choose from to make your metal roof appear like either asphalt, tile or wood. Another drawback for some is that metal roofs can be more expensive than other varieties to install. Although due to low maintenance and their extremely long lifespan, you’ll see the return on your investment over the years. However, if you do not know whether you will be staying in the home long enough to reap the benefits of this long-term investment, the various advantages of metal roofs may seem less attractive.


Making The Right Selection

After weighing the pros and cons of a residential metal roof system it’s now time to decide if this material is right for your home and your budget. If you have any questions or would like our professional advice please give us a call or click here for a free quote.