Which Asphalt Shingle Roofing Material Will You Prefer?


When shopping for roofing for their homes, many people immediately think of asphalt shingles because they are durable, inexpensive and attractive. They also happen to be easy to install and require little maintenance. When considering a new roof, asphalt shingle roofing is an excellent choice because it’s affordable and will last for years. It’s also extremely versatile and comes in a variety of styles and colors to fit almost any home.


The most common kind of asphalt shingles are glass fiber shingles. These are the least expensive, featuring a mat that has been coated with glass fiber beneath the asphalt. The asphalt itself has fillers to help the adhesion of the glass fibers. On top of this, ceramic granules or beads are attached. These protect a temperature barrier to protect the shingles form scorching sunlight and heat. The ceramics come in a wide range of colors and styles to match almost any home’s exterior style.


If you may want to install or repair your asphalt shingle roofing in the future, fiberglass ones are the easiest to install and are very cost effective. Fortunately, they are also durable enough to stand up to considerable storm and hail with only minor damage. Expect them to hold up for about twenty years, depending on where you live.


If you like the look of asphalt shingle roofing but aren’t sure about the use of fiber glass, consider organic shingles, which don’t use any fillers. Instead, a felt base is coated with asphalt and ceramic granules. These cost a bit more because they are denser and heavier than ones using fillers. They are also, however, better able to withstand wind, rain and other elements. The down side? Organic shingles can be more difficult to install than standard fiberglass shingles.


Asphalt shingle roofing will be affected by the elements over the years, but properly installed can last for decades.